The Code of the Universe


Physics for health

Physics for health PARTICLE ACCELERATORS CAN ALSO BE USED IN THE TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCEROUS TUMOURS. The particles release their energy in the affected tissues and thus kill the harmful cells. Particle beams can be controlled with a precision of […]

The whole world at your fingertips

The whole world at your fingertips THE SECRET OF CERN’S SUCCESS IS THAT CERN HAS NO SECRETS. Scientific results and project information are openly available worldwide through the web. The development of information systems on the Internet has paved the […]

The world wide web was born at CERN

The world wide web was born at CERN Originally, it was designed to facilitate communication between all participants in the same project. The creation of the first WWW server in 1990 marked the beginning of a new era in the […]

Diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives

Diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives SCIENCE IS UNIVERSAL AND THE LAWS OF NATURE ARE THE SAME EVERYWHERE ON EARTH AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO Fundamental research has a unifying potential because the quest for knowledge and the desire to understand how […]

Creating new knowledge

Creating new knowledge THE FIELD OF PARTICLE PHYSICS CONSTANTLY INCREASES SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, WHICH OFTEN FINDS APPLICATIONS IN EVERYDAY LIFE. For example, computer simulation tools designed by CERN, such as Geant4, which simulates the passage of particles through matter, have applications […]

What is a particle accelerator?

What is a particle accelerator? Particle accelerators offer the best way to explore the smallest building blocks of the Universe. When particles collide in these machines, they release energy, which results in the creation of new particles. Particle accelerators are […]

Open questions

Open questions Cern hosts a complex of particle accelerators, including the large hadron collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world. At the Laboratory, scientists probe the structure of the Universe, studying the fundamental constituents of matter […]

What is the universe made of?

What is the universe made of? Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was thought that the world was made up of indivisible building blocks, known as atoms.  However, it was soon realised that atoms are themselves composed of […]

What is CERN?

  What is CERN? </h2 > The european organization for nuclear research (CERN) is an international research laboratory founded in 1954. Located near Geneva, straddling the Swiss and French borders, it is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. […]

Understanding our universe

Understanding our universe Particle physics and astrophysics study the laws of our Universe. Astrophysicists use telescopes to look at distant galaxies and particle physicists use accelerators to experimentally replicate conditions similar to those at the beginning of the Universe. PHOTO For […]